Dec 6, 2021AMRI Advent Series No. 2: "Walking the path of the Willow""Walking the path of the Willow" .... the road to renewable energy at St Patrick's Kiltegan Continuing our exploration in journeying...
Dec 6, 2021Presidential Distinguished Service Awards 2020/21President Higgins presented the annual Irish Presidential Distinguished Service Awards to recipients for 2020 and 2021 on Thursday 2nd...
Dec 5, 2021Second Sunday of AdventToday’s gospel puts before us John the Baptist as a model to follow in genuinely welcoming Jesus into our lives. John is in the middle of...
Dec 1, 2021AMRI - Advent Series 2021Each week, during the season of Advent, AMRI (Association of Leaders of Missionaries & Religious of Ireland) will provide a snapshot of...
Nov 28, 2021First Sunday of Advent 2021November 28th, 2021 Today is the First Sunday of Advent. This day marks the beginning of the Church year. The first Sunday of Advent...
Nov 26, 2021Climate Change Award for Riwoto, South SudanMisean Cara have announced St Mary Magdalen Parish, Riwoto, South Sudan as one of the two winners of the individual Climate Action...
Nov 17, 2021November 2021November 2nd is the feast of All Souls, when we remember all those who have gone before us ‘marked with the sign of faith’. However, we...
Oct 24, 2021Mission Sunday 2021This Sunday we mark World Mission Sunday. It’s a celebration that owes its origin to Jesus’ famous last command to go to the ends of the...
Sep 5, 2021Eucharistic Congress 2021The 52nd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) was postponed in 2020. It takes place this month from today, the 5th to 12th September...
Sep 1, 2021The Season of Creation 2021The Season of Creation begins today and runs until October 4th, the feast day of St Francis of Assisi. It celebrates the joy of creation...