Privacy Policy
This Privacy Notice gives you some helpful information about who we are, what personal data we collect about you, why, who we share it with and why, how long we keep it, and your rights.
1. Who we are: We are St Patrick’s Missionary Society Ireland (CHY3397), located at Kiltegan, County Wicklow. Established in 1932, the Society works to spread the Gospel through missionary work throughout the world. In Ireland, the Society is a registered charity working to help the poor to overcome their poverty not only through programmes of education for justice but also through programmes which foster appropriate development.
2. What personal data we collect and why: We collect and use personal data relating to our benefactors, our members, our employees, and others who engage with us.
a. Benefactors: We collect and process personal data of benefactors who make charitable donations to us, or subscribe to our “Africa” magazine. This personal data includes your name, address, email address, phone number, and details of when you were last in contact with us. We will use your personal data for the following purposes:
To process donations: If you make a charitable donation we may collect your financial information (eg. credit or debit card details) for the purposes of processing your donation. We will use your personal data to send you a receipt and thanks for any donation (by email or SMS text message if you have provided us with those details for those purposes). We process this personal data on the basis of your Consent.We will not use your email address or mobile phone number for any other purpose other than acknowledging your donation. If you wish to enable us to claim back the tax on your donation from the Revenue Commissioners, and you complete a Forum CHY3 or CHY4 for that purpose, the form will contain your PPS number and will be submitted to the Revenue Commissioners for the Charity to recover the tax back on your donation. If you establish a standing order for your charitable donation, we will hold your bank account details and payment instruction (in encrypted format) but only until the standing order is set up.
To process magazine subscriptions: If you subscribe to our “Africa” magazine, we will process your personal data to send you copies of the magazine, and process your subscription payment. We will use your personal data to write to you at the end of the subscription period to see whether you want to renew that subscription.
To send you communications, news, appeals materials: If you give us your Consent to us doing so, we will write to you (usually by post) to tell you about our charitable projects and fundraising activities, to send you calendars or other seasonal materials. If at any time you no longer wish to receive these from us, you can opt-out of receiving those letters at any time by contacting us.
Administering bequests: Where a benefactor leaves us a bequest in their Will, we retain the Will (and correspondence with the estate’s solicitors) to administer the donation and comply withfinancial audit requirements as a registered charity, to remember the benefactor and their family in Masses, and (where appropriate) communicate with their next of kin or executor to express our thanks for the bequest.
Photographs: If you attend an event at which we are taking photographs to put up on our website we will ask for your Consent to take your photograph and put it up on the website and social media page. If you give your Consent to this use, the photograph will be subject to the privacy policy of the social media site. You can withdraw your Consent at any stage, and we will remove the photograph from the social media page and/or website according to your preferences.
b. Visitors: When you visit our premises, your images may be captured on our CCTV system. Our CCTV system is for the protection of our property and our personnel. For further information, please see our CCTV Policy. CCTV images will be shared with An Garda Síochána, our insurance company, our solicitors if that is required to detect, investigate or prosecute offences, to manage risk, and/or for resolving disputes and taking/defending litigation etc.The Society operates Slí an Chroí a residential retreat centre at the Society’s premises in High Park, Kiltegan, County Wicklow. If you book or attend a gathering at Slí an Chroí we collect attendees’ names and contact details. We also collect the email and telephone number(s) of the event organiser. This is to organise the accommodation, cater to any particular requirements (eg. disability access, food/allergy requirements), to process the payment, and to ensure that health and safety requirements are met. Where the group includes children or vulnerable persons, we collect additional information for compliance with our Safeguarding Policy, including an attendance register (noting the people attending, dates, times etc) and a form to be completed by the party/external group in relation to attendees, insurance etc. Further information is available from the Society’s safeguarding co-ordinator. We share this data with the Society’s insurance company. We use this personal data for complying with all our legal obligations including our duty of care, for child safeguarding, for health and safety, to manage risk, for resolving disputes and taking/defending litigation etc.
c. Members: We collect and process personal data of members (including former members and applicants). The personal data we collect includes your name; date of birth; address and contact details; CV, education and qualifications; religion; data relating to training, formation, discernment, and vocation; Vetting outcome and safeguarding data; PPS number; financial data; photos/images (including for CCTV); medical records, health data (physical and mental health) and occupational health data; immigration/work-visa information; information relating to recruitment, promotions, appointments processes, retirement details, next-of-kin details, family information etc. If the member is resident in our Care Unit in High Park, Kiltegan, the personal data will also include all medical, nursing, care records, and any records relating to social welfare, pension and/or benefit entitlements. We collect the personal data of members’ families so that we can contact them about Society events such as Cemetery Sunday or Family Day. We use personal data for purposes including: running the Society in compliance with our canon law obligations; allocating resources across our Society; complying with all our legal obligations (in canon and civil law); complying with our obligations as a charitable body; to work in partnership with other Church bodies (diocesan supply provision etc); to discharge our duties to our members and to others; complying with our obligations to Government bodies; to manage risk; for resolving disputes and taking/defending litigation etc.
d. Employees: (including applicants): We collect and process personal data of employees (and those applying for jobs or sending us unsolicited applications). The personal data we collect includes your name; date of birth; address; contact details; CV, education, and qualifications; Vetting outcomes and safeguarding data; registration with any other professional/accrediting body; PPS number; financial data; images (CCTV); medical, health and occupational health data; immigration/work-visa information; information relating to recruitment, promotions, and appointments processes; other IR/HR processes; pensions details etc. We use personal data for purposes including: running an efficient service; complying with our legal obligations as a charitable body; complying with our obligations as an employer; for recruitment and appointments; allocating resources across our organisation; monitoring the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policies; to discharge our duties to all our staff and others; complying with our statutory reporting obligations to Government bodies; to manage risk; for resolving disputes and taking/defending litigation etc. The information we collect about you depends on various factors, eg. we will hold differing levels of information about a job applicant as compared with a long-standing employee.
How long we keep it: Some personal data is only kept for a short period (eg. we will destroy at the end of a financial audit period because it is no longer needed). Some data we retain for a longer period (eg. retained after you leave or otherwise finish your employment with us, but is retained for employment references or pension purposes). Where data has enduring historical value to the Society it will be retained in our archives. If you would like further information about retention periods, please contact us.
3. Who we share it with: We share personal data with third parties, including where required to comply with our legal obligations (including complying with court orders, discovery orders, etc). Where required, we will share your personal data with our insurance company, our legal advisors, and other service providers (including IT providers, security providers, etc)to enforce our legal rights (for fraud prevention, credit risk, litigation) and to resolve disputes and defend litigation.
a. Benefactors: We share your personal data with parties including the Revenue Commissioners (to claim the tax-back on any charitable donations, where applicable), with payment service providers (such as Paypal to process the credit/debit card transaction on any subscription or donation), with our banks (to process any cheques etc).After completion of the payment, the documentation is retained and shared with our Auditors for audit and verification purposes (in compliance with our financial audit requirements as a registered charity). Our financial records and donations information can be audited by the Charities Section of the Revenue Commissioners and/or the Charities Regulatory Authority for regulatory compliance.
b. Visitors: CCTV images will be shared with An Garda Síochána for detecting, investigating, or prosecuting offences;the images will be shared with our insurance company and our solicitors to manage risk; and/or for resolving disputes and taking/defending litigation etc. Slí an Chroí a residential retreat centre data will be shared with the Society’s insurance company and solicitors (if relevant for resolving disputes and/or taking/defending litigation) and auditors (for the preparation of the financial statements). If any safeguarding data is collected re Slí an Chroí same will be shared with an Garda Síochána, TUSLA, and/or audited by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland.
c. Members: We share members’ personal data with Colleges/educational institutions which our members are attending as part of training, formation, discernment, vocations, sabbaticals etc; other districts of the St Patrick’s Missionary Society and the Central Leadership Team; with Dioceses and parishes in Ireland and the UK. In respect of any safeguarding information relating to members, we share data with TUSLA, An Garda Síochána, medical professionals and clinical bodies, and other Church bodies including the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland. If the member is resident in our Care Unit, the personal data will be shared with the member’s GP, Doctors, clinical care team (including occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists), other Hospitals and care facilities, the HSE, and with other bodies who may be in a position to assist in meeting the person’s care needs. We may also share their personal data with their close family/next-of-kin if the person consents or requires us to do so, or in case of an emergency.
d. Employees: We share employees’ data with third parties, including other Government bodies including Revenue Commissioners, Department of Social Protection, TUSLA, An Garda Síochána, and the HSE; any regulatory body to which the employee belongs; your Trade Union (for employment rights, IR/HR issues etc); occupational health advisors and registered medical professionals; our insurance company (re any claims and/or insurable events); banks/financial institutions (to pay wages); pension administrators and pension trustees (re the occupational pension scheme); future employers (if the employee requires an employment reference etc); other service providers (including IT providers, security providers, legal advisors) etc.The Government bodies to which we transfer your personal data will use it for their own purposes (including: to verify other information they already hold about you, for fraud prevention measures, etc) and may aggregate it with other information they already hold about you.
If you would like further information about who we share your data with, please contact us.
4. Third country transfers: In general we do not transfer personal data outside the EEA. However, transfers to third countries can arise with members’ data (eg. a Priest being sent to the missions, sending his data to that jurisdiction in preparation for his arrival)or with benefactors’ data where you make a donation and stipulate that you want us to pass it on to a missionary Priest working outside the EEA. For example, if a benefactor sends us a donation to support a Priest’s work on the missions or a particular overseas project, we will ask the benefactor if they would be happy for us to send their contact details to the Priest so that he can correspond with the benefactor to thank them for the donation and let them know how their donation will be applied. In such situations, we will only transfer their personal data outside the EEA with the benefactor’s explicit consent.
5. Your rights: You have the following statutory rights that can be exercised at any time:
(a) Right to complain to supervisory authority.
(b) Right of access.
(c) Right to rectification.
(d) Right to erasure.
(e) Right to restrict processing.
(f) Right to data portability.
(g) Right to object, and to object to automated decision making/profiling.
For further information, please contact us.
6. Contact us: If you need further information, please contact us at
Email: dataprotection@spms.ie
Write to:
The Data Protection Coordinator,
St. Patrick’s,
Co. Wicklow,
W91 Y022,
Doc No: 115177604