Mission Sunday 2021
This Sunday we mark World Mission Sunday. It’s a celebration that owes its origin to Jesus’ famous last command to go to the ends of the earth sharing His Gospel. Right from the first moment the Christian faith was concerned with everyone – not just with our own inner circle. Our faith inspires us to connect with other people.
If the recent pandemic has taught us anything it is that we are all interdependent. We share the same space, breath the same air, touch the same door handles.
For physical well-being we need the support and cooperation of everyone – and perhaps that was being forgotten. How much more so at the spiritual level. We can’t make it totally by ourselves.
Not for the first time the Church has been saying that for nearly two thousand years – our neighbour is our concern. That is what Mission Sunday reminds us - encouraging us to share our faith and material goods with people who live in different worlds from our own. And just like in this pandemic scenario, when we take care of others we are benefiting ourselves. Actively engaging in and supporting missionary work strengthens our own faith also. May we never forget those last words of Jesus directing us, as followers of His, to extend our gaze to the fragile ends of our world.
Thank you to all our supporters, benefactors, families, and friends for making our work possible. We include you all in our prayers today. We give thanks for your faith and support. And we wish all our missionaries a very happy and blessed Mission Sunday.