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New Members for SPS

Darlington Muyembe (right) and Peter Mwale (left) were ordained on Saturday, May 30th by Most Rev Telesphore George Mpundu of Lusaka Archdiocese, Zambia. The ordination took place in Lusaka. Nine other men were also ordained for different congregations. Congratulations to Peter and Darlington!

Fr Peter: ‘I come from St Mary’s Parish, Choma in Monze diocese in Zambia. No St Patrick’s Father has worked in my home diocese. I first came in contact with the Society through a school-mate from the parish, who was a student with the Society, though he has since left. I studied philosophy in South Africa, and theology at Tangaza College in Nairobi. My First Mission Appointment, as a student, was to the parish of St John the Evangelist in Lokichoggio in Lodwar Diocese in Kenya. I have been appointed to the District of East Africa.’

Fr Darlington: ‘I came in contact with St Patrick’s Missionary Society in 1999 at St John the Apostle Parish, Kabanana, when Fr John Roche was parish priest. I also knew Frs Billy Feerick (RIP) and Eugene O’Reilly (RIP), Brendan McCarron and Eamonn Hayden. After studying philosophy in South Africa I studied theology at Tangaza College in Nairobi, and for my First Mission Appointment I went to Grenada in the West Indies. I enjoy music and drama and incorporate these into my work with youth. I look forward to taking up my appointment in Bauchi Diocese in Nigeria.

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(St Patrick Fathers formerly of Cliffside Park, New Jersey; Saratoga, California; and West Granville Avenue, Chicago)

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