A green start to 2020!
A green start to 2020! Members of St Patrick’s Missionary Society working in central Africa attended a pre-chapter meeting which was held at the Benedictine monastery in Msupadzi, Chipata, Zambia, earlier this month. After the meetings all in attendance planted a tree in the grounds of the monastery as a symbol of their commitment to care for the environment. Pictured are: William Njoroge (St Patrick’s student), Fathers Martin McGowan, David Chelimo, Samuel Mwathi Gichanga, Martin Kavisu, John Barasa (volunteer from Kitale, Kenya), Martin Reilly, Martin Mulholland, John O'Donovan, Victor Dunne (Society Leader), P.J. Breen, Daniel Njoroge, Frank Taylor, Patrick Byrne, and facilitator Michel Sanou (Missionaries of Africa).